About the speaker:
Birgitta Andreasen has a strong interest in analytical and environmental chemistry and data science. With a background in various analytical techniques from her PhD research and in environmental monitoring from working at the Faroese Environment Agency. She is very interested in incorporating these two fields into research at Firum, to further study the fjord environments on its own and also to look at the connection and interaction between natural and human impact on these environments.
Company info:

Firum (P/F Fiskaaling) is a limited Company, owned by the Faroese government.
Research activities at Firum are designed to develop knowledge about aquaculture and issues that pertain to aquaculture, and the general framework for aquaculture operations. Particular attention is on knowledge that can further develop sustainable Faroese aquaculture.
This talk will be based on the just published report A baseline studies programme for sustainable and resilient seaweed cultivation in Faroese fjords. Focusing on the process of developing a baseline studies programme for seaweed cultivation in the Faroe Islands along with an implementation plan for the suggested basline studies programme.
Such a baseline programme, and a consecutive monitoring program, is needed to safeguard a future sustainable and resilient seaweed cultivation in Faroese fjords. The suggested baseline programme is a first step in this direction, and may contribute to development of a management strategy and monitoring of seaweed cultivation activities in the Faroe Islands.