Conference Venue

Seagriculture EU

17 - 19 June 2025

Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Conference Venue

De Doelen, one of the city's most iconic buildings, is located in the center of Rotterdam.

De Doelen

Kruisplein 30

3012 CL Rotterdam

The Netherlands

De Doelen has been an iconic concert hall, music venue, festival heart, conference building and party location for all Rotterdammers and beyond - for more than half a century. In the programme, partners, staff and in their audience, they strive for diversity that is an accurate reflection of the world around us.

How to get to the conference venue?

  • De Doelen has several entrances around the building. 
  • Use the entrance for Jurriaanse Zaal: Kruisplein 30, 3012 CC, Rotterdam 
  • De Doelen is located in the centre of Rotterdam. Train, bus, tram and metro stop a short walk away. For a detailed itinerary from your front door to the entrance of the Doelen, please visit


Parking near De Doelen
  • De Doelen is well situated and reachable by car. Since it is in the centre and we'd like you to keep the environment in mind please consider coming by public transport. 
  • There are several parking facilities around de Doelen. If you do wish to come by car, you can purchase parking permits via beforehand.
  • An affordable way to park is at one of the P+R areas in Rotterdam. There you can park your vehicle or motorcycle and continue your journey by public transport. Here you can find an overview of P+R areas in Rotterdam.





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