Networking Application

Seagriculture EU

18 - 20 June 2024

Tórshavn, Faroe Islands

Networking Application

As part of continuous improvement efforts, Seagriculture EU 2024 has introduced the conference application B2Match, offering participants an efficient way to communicate, ensuring a seamless and engaging conference experience. 

Our networking application provides a meeting scheduling system during the conference and for an extended period before and after the event to maximise your opportunity to connect directly with your most important clients and potential partners.

Delegates are able to see exactly who else has signed up for the conference, apply filters to find the people most relevant to their needs and send them meeting requests.

Why use the application? 

  • Chat in real-time with the other conference delegates
  • Send and receive meeting requests before, during, and after the event
  • Access the list of attendees & apply filters to find the people most relevant to your needs 
  • Marketplace: Share what you have to offer
  • Receive alerts and push notifications
  • Stay updated
  • Highlight your company as a sponsor

B2Match Guidelines

  • Access the app

You will receive an e-mail to sign up for the networking application.

After you access the app, we recommend to set up your profile and create your organisation.

  • How to change your password? 

Web-based version:

You need to click on the profile in the upper right corner and select "Account settings". Click on "Password" and change it.


Mobile app: 

You need to click on the button in the left top corner, then you can access “Settings” and select “Password” to change your password.

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  • How to edit your profile? 

In the web-based version, you can edit your profile by clicking on your profile icon in the right-top corner and then pressing "Dashboard". After you need to go to the block "Finish setting up your profile". There you will be able to make all necessary changes. Don’t forget to click “Save” before leaving the page. 


In the mobile version, you can edit your profile in two ways: 

First option: On the welcome page when you scroll and see that the app asks you to complete several steps: confirm your email, set up your profile, schedule a meeting, create opportunities, and add an organisation profile. You just need to click on “Update profile”. Then you will be able to make all the necessary changes. 

Don’t forget to click “Save” before leaving the page. 

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Second option: In the right-bottom corner, you can click on the “Person” Icon and open your profile. In the right-upper corner, you will see a button “Edit”. Then you will be able to make all the necessary changes.


Don’t forget to click “Save” before leaving the page. 


  • How to add an organisation profile? 

If several people from your organisation participate in the conference, please make sure that only one of your colleagues creates an organisation profile. It will help to avoid duplicates and cause any confusion.The person who created the organisation profile, will be set up as admin automatically and then will be able to add colleagues (representatives) to the organisation. You can create organisation profile in the following ways:

If you are attending the conference together with colleagues, we recommend you using the web-based application at first as it is not possible to add representatives through the mobile app. You need to go to the "Dashboard" which you can access by clicking on your profile icon in the right-top corner. There you will see a block asking you to add your organisation page. 


After you create your organisation, you need to go to your organisation profile which you can access in the "Dashboard". Scroll down to the representatives. There you can invite your colleagues. 

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You can also can create your organisation profile using the mobile app. On the welcome page when you scroll and see that the app asks you to complete several steps: confirm your email, set up your profile, schedule a meeting, create opportunities, and add an organisation profile. You just need to click on “Create organisation” and then you will be able to add your organisation.

But please note that it is not possible to add representatives through the mobile app, only through the web-based version.

Don’t forget to click “Save” before leaving the page. 


  • Where to find the most important information?

In the "Home" menu, you can find all important information. If you scroll down you will see: Agenda, Speakers, Participants, Organisations, Sponsors, Exhibitors, Marketplace.

  • How to book a meeting? 

Before sending a request to meet someone, set up your availability. You need to click on the button “Shaking Hands” and then go to “Availability”. There you can mark when you are available within the conference days. 

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After you set up your availability, you can proceed with booking meetings. You need to go to the delegate with whom you want to meet and there you will see a button “Request meeting”. After you click on this button, you will open a meeting set up where you can adjust the time, write a message and invite other delegates to meet. All your meetings will be saved in the menu which can be accessed by clicking on the button “Shaking Hands”. 

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  • How to place your job offer, project, or other opportunities?

You can do this in two ways: 

First option: On the welcome page when you scroll and see that the app asks you to complete several steps: confirm your email, set up your profile, schedule a meeting, create opportunities, and add an organisation profile. You just need to click on “Add opportunities” and then you will be able to place a product, service, partnership proposal, investment, job position, and a lot more. 

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Second option: You can place your opportunity by accessing the marketplace and clicking the plus in the right-upper corner. Marketplace is accessible through the home screen if you scroll down. 

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  • How to send messages to other delegates?

Select the person you would like to send a message to. Then press on the "chat" symbol in the upper right corner. You can write a message and send it (step 1). If you would like to add other delegates to the chat, you can select the "person" symbol (step 2) in the upper right corner. Then you can type in up to 6 other names and add them to the thread.

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If you have any questions, please contact us




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