
Seagriculture EU

18 - 20 June 2024

Tórshavn, Faroe Islands

Dulse: a chicken and egg story. The potential of dulse as a feed supplement for chickens and creating the conditions to make this a reality

Paddy Estridge, CEO, Seaweed Generation, United Kingdom 

About the speaker: 

An infinitely curious software engineer, CEO Paddy has previously worked at Google, in international logistics and community management, and Betterment (the original robo advisor) as Lead Mobile Engineer. Her specialties include building teams, bringing people together, delivering complex projects and making the massive manageable.

Company info:


Seaweed Generation's mission is to mitigate and remove carbon emissions using seaweed. We believe that the wonders of seaweed can be coupled with technology for ocean rehabilitation of biodiversity, removal of pollution, and deacidification, that will also create a fantastic base biomass for food, animal feed, fertiliser, plastics, fuel, carbon removal, and much much more.


Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) is exploring the viability of a highly coveted red seaweed as a sustainable substitute for soybean meal in U.K. chicken feed.

The Novel Seaweed Chicken Feed Feasibility (NSCFF) project, led by Seaweed Generation in collaboration with SRUC, University of West London, Centre for Innovation Excellence in Livestock (CIEL) and Microgrow Systems Ltd., will explore the feasibility of using tank or sea cultivated dulse – a protein-rich red seaweed – as a practical and cost-efficient alternative chicken feed.