About the speaker:
Eivind holds a master’s degree in marine technology from Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). He has more than 15 years' experience in marine operations in the O&G industry. Since 2018, he has been employed in SINTEF Ocean, working on a wide range of projects to improve efficiency, sustainability and safety of aquaculture operations, including seaweed cultivation and harvesting operations. Eivind is currently responsible for the seafarms in the research infrastructure “Norwegian Seaweed Centre”.
Company info:

SINTEF is one of Europe's largest research institutes, with multidisciplinary expertise within technology, natural sciences and social sciences. SINTEF Ocean conducts research and innovation related to ocean space. Their ambition is to continue Norway's leading position in marine technology and biomarine research.
The Norwegian Seaweed Centre is a national dedicated research infrastructure that promotes research and facilitates the development of new technologies for industrial cultivation and use of kelp. An exposed seaweed farm has been established off the Norwegian coast as part of the research infrastructure. The joint industry project, Seaweed Carbon Solutions, is the first user of the exposed seaweed farm and the project will operate and assess offshore large-scale seaweed production for carbon capture and storage, as a climate positive solution. The presentation will focus on the experiences with design, installation and operation in the project’s first cultivation season.