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First abstract is in! Tom Wijers on the Zeevivo project
University of Applied Sciences VHL, NIOZ, IMARES, Danvos and Hortimare are...
Site visit to ALGAplus
As participant a site visit to ALGAplus is included into the conference fee ...
Throwback to Seagriculture 2015
A quote of John Benemann, one of the attendees: "Now a special thanks and...
1st Seagriculture press release
Click here for the PDF Charming city of Aveiro selected as the place to be...
Introducing one of Seagriculture's session topics: The Portuguese seaweed share
When looking at the overarching aquaculture sector as a whole, the Portuguese...
Summary on the Conference day 1
The day started by a presentation of Normandy region by Jacques Mazoyer,...
Latest Press Release March 2015
Seagriculture Conference 2015 on Seaweed Product Potential The 4th...
Cargill is supporter of Seagriculture 2016. Cargill has had a presence in Baupte...
6 februari - Dag van het zeewier
Dag van het zeewier In Japan, bakermat van de zeewiercultuur, bestaat sinds...
The 4th Seagriculture promises to link new science to economic realities and practical applications
SEAGRICULTURE 2015 - There is just one week to go! The 4th Seagriculture...
Dr. Claire Gachon to discuss disease prevention strategies in cultivated seaweed
Abstract: Novel strategies for preventing diseases in cultivated seaweeds...
Don´t miss the chance to join and meet up with seaweed representatives from:
Registration still open, networking time! AFRIKELP PTY LTD, Ajinomoto, ALGANACT,...
Seaweeds are fantastic products, but the regulatory process...
Paz Perez, European Regulatory Manager, Trade Corp International Seaweeds are...
Ocean Harvest Technology supporter of Seagriculture 2015
Ocean Harvest Technology (OHT) is supporter of Seagriculture 2015. Ocean...
Seaweeds as a source of functional food ingredients with enhanced health benefits beyond human nutrition
Preview of the presentation of Maria Hayes, Teagasc Food Research Centre It...
Spotlight on Seaweed Product Potential
PRESS RELEASE Woerden, 29 June 2015 Spotlight on Seaweed Product Potential ...
The World Needs Proteins!
Seaweed cultivation - a futuristic view I n order to warrant the food security...
Red algal agarose and brown algal alginate are candidates for novel sustainable resources for fermentative production
Preview of the presentation of mr. Hidetaka Doi, Ajinomoto, Japan Amino acids...
Macro-algae to reduce the use of antibiotics in feed
Pi Nyvall Collén, R&D Manager at the Olmix Group and Seagriculture 2015...
José Apolinário, Secretary of State of Fisheries, to open Seagriculture 2016
The Seagriculture Book of Abstracts is out!
Download the Seagriculture 2016 Book of Abstracts here ! This version was...
Abstract of Seaconomy of the MARINER project (US), Marc von Keitz
Marc is attending this year’s Seagriculture conference in Den Haag, on...
Seagriculture Press release 13 October 2017
Port of Scheveningen and The Hague, the location for the 6 th international...
Workshop after the SEAGRICILTURE conference
After the SEAGRICULTURE conference, a special workshop will be organised by the...
Seagriculture 2016: 19 speakers, 8 trade show participants, over 50 participating institutions and 11 poster presentations!
Seagriculture Persbericht 13 oktober 2017
Scheveningen-haven en Den Haag, dit jaar hét toneel voor 6de internationale...
Focus on a session: Session 6, large-scale seaweed production
Seagriculture 2016 will cover a wide range of topics, from seaweed biology in...
What to expect of Seagriculture 2016? A quick overview!
Interview with Pi Nyvall Collén, Seagriculture advisory committee member
Interview with Pi Nyvall Collén For today’s interview, I spoke with...
Quick overview of Seagriculture 2016!
[FinalTilesGallery id='1']...
Mechanization of seaweed cultivation: the upcoming industrial revolution of sea agriculture
In Session 4: The technology behind seaweed farming, Bernardete Castro will go...
Jacques Mazoyer on Seagriculture 2015
Learn here what Jacques Mazoyer, visitor of Seagriculture 2015, has to say about...
Cargill supports Seagriculture 2016
[caption id="attachment_1046" align="alignleft" width="205"] Cargill continues...
Over 45 institutes present at Seagriculture
So far, we have received registrations from delegates of 45 different...
Press release: Seaweed, the commodity of the future
Brittany and its bounty of edible seaweed
Roger St. Pierre reveals one of the Celtic province’s star ingredients as news...
A disconnect between potential producers and the markets
Preview of the presentation of Michele Stanley, SAMS There is considerable...
University of Aveiro is local partner of Seagriculture 2016
Seagriculture is nothing without its local partners! In this update, we...
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